Using Salli

On a saddle chair you sit 20–40 cm higher than on a traditional chair. Before you sit down, make sure that the chair is not too high. To lower the seat lift up the lever and at the same time press down the seat by your elbow or stomach. Stand beside the chair and lift one foot up over the back of the chair to the other side and sit down. Do not sit down on Salli the traditional way, so that the chair is behind you, to avoid the chair rolling away from you.

Table height

The standard table height is about 72 cm, but with Salli Saddle Chairs the table needs to be more than 80 cm high. We recommend an electronically adjustable table.

When you sit at the correct height, the optimal table height will be approximately at the height of your elbows, when the elbows are in a 90 degree angle. Your elbows should be relaxed and rest on pads, with your arms at the sides of your body. A table that is too high or too low can cause back, shoulder and neck problems.

Have a break!

Even though you can sit on Salli the whole work day, remember to have breaks. Make use of the moving seats of Salli Swing and Salli SwingFit and rotate your pelvis, reach and bend, to get good exercise for your core muscles and to activate the circulation of the back. If possible, work also standing during the day.

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