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Picture: Testicle. Sperm and testosterone producing areas in the middle.

European men produce 50 percent less live semen than 30 years ago. The density drops 2–4 percent a year. As much as 40 percent of 40-year-old men and 50 percent of 50-year old men suffer from occasional or chronic erectile dysfunctions.

Also men all over the world are producing significantly less testosterone now than decades ago. This vital masculine hormone, manufactured in the testicles, keeps up the muscle size and condition, and sexual capabilities. Testosterone is also needed to maintain the memory in the middle and older age.

Almost all men have prostate overgrowth at 60 years of age and every sixth man gets prostate cancer. Luckily most of the genital health and prostate problems are not invincible and men can reduce the genital health risks by making smart choices.

Our modern way of life is clearly disastrous to the genital health. For millions of years the male genitalia enjoyed a free and cool environment without pressing clothes, with a lot of movement, ventilation and free blood and lymph circulation. Modern clothing trends, prolonged time spent sitting, poor nutrition, and condition of the circulatory system all reduce healthy metabolism in genitals.

Picture: Both the male and female pudental vessels go over the pelvic floor into the genitals. On padded chairs they get pressed between the pubic bone (right under the “root of the penis” or clitoris) and the seat. Circulation decreases or stops in pressure-sensitive vessels which happen of course at the expense of the health of those organs. A two-part saddle chair eliminates the pressure allowing healthy circulation and metabolism.

Original source of picture: Paulsen, Waschke, Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th Edition 2011©Elsevier GmbH, Urban & Fischer, Munich.

The statements on these pages are based on the following sources:
Michael Adams, Nikolai Bogduk, Kim Burton, Patricia Dolan: The Biomechanics of Back Pain
David A. Rubenstein, Wei Yin, Mary D. Frame: Biofluid Mechanics, an Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Macrocirculation, and Microcirculation
Marcus J. Seibel, Simon P. Robins, John P. Bilezikian: Dynamics of Bone and Cartilage Metabolism, Principles and Clinical Applications

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