To make things easier for, e.g., architects, engineers and interior designers, we have added Salli products to the BIM Object portal. A BIM object, or data model, represents an object in a three-dimensional form, thus illustrating the size, and material and colour options of the product.
Our products can now be found as high-quality BIM objects on this portal, where professionals in various fields look for inspiration, technical product information and three-dimensional product models to place in the design software they use. On the portal you will find our most common saddle chair models, and handy work desks, adjustable either with a gas spring, or electrically.
Salli Saddle Chair is both an ergonomic and stylish office chair
Salli Saddle chairs combine a unique ergonomic design, high-quality materials and stylish appearance. The upholstery materials are genuine leather, artificial leather, or wool. The original Salli Saddle Chair also has a ten-year warranty, so it is a sustainable investment.
Further information
Jaakko Juntunen, CEO, jaakko.juntunen@salliusa.us.seravo.com/, +358 50 3120 853
Victor Teplov, Product Development Manager, victor@salliusa.us.seravo.com/, 0358 50 501 8271 (technical issues)